CBSE Class 10: Passing marks for 40 Mark Exams

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class 10 examinations mark a significant milestone in a student’s academic journey. Comprehending the passing criteria is crucial for both students and parents to ensure academic success. This guide delves specifically into understanding the passing marks for 40-mark exams in CBSE Class 10, presented in a clear and organized manner.

Minimum Passing Requirement:

The CBSE mandates a minimum of 33% marks to pass any subject in the board examinations, including Class 10. This minimum requirement applies to both theory and practical/internal assessment components (if applicable) for each subject.

Here’s a table summarizing the minimum passing marks for 40-mark exams in CBSE Class 10:

Total MarksMinimum Passing Marks
passing criteria

Key Points to Remember:

  • Students must pass all individual subjects to be declared “passed” overall in CBSE Class 10.
  • The board awards grades based on a five-point scale (A, B, C, D, E). The specific marks range for each grade may vary slightly year-to-year, but the minimum passing mark remains at 33%.

Understanding the Implications:

Scoring below the minimum passing mark of 13 in any subject implies failing that subject. However, students are provided with an opportunity to improve their scores and achieve an overall pass by appearing for compartmental examinations conducted later.

Additional Considerations:

While the minimum passing requirement of 33% applies to all subjects in CBSE Class 10, regardless of their nature, it’s crucial to remember that aiming for a higher score is always recommended. This not only secures a better academic standing but also opens doors to future academic and career opportunities.

Resources for Further Information:

The official CBSE website ( serves as a valuable resource for students and parents seeking comprehensive information about various aspects of Class 10 examinations, including the syllabus, marking scheme, and exam regulations. By consulting these resources and adhering to the established guidelines, students can approach their CBSE Class 10 examinations with confidence and a clear understanding of the passing criteria.

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