
Intermediate 1st year total marks in Different Boards

The first year of intermediate education marks a crucial step in shaping students’ academic journeys in India. Understanding the total marks expected across different boards empowers students and parents to plan effectively and navigate expectations. This guide delves into the typical mark allocation for intermediate first year, focusing on prominent boards.

Understanding Mark Allocation:

The total marks students encounter in the first year of intermediate can vary depending on the specific board and chosen subjects. Here’s a breakdown of common scenarios:

1. Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Education (APBIE):

  • Total Marks (Arts & Commerce): 500 marks
  • Subject-Wise Breakdown:
    • English (First Language): 100 marks
    • Second Language (Hindi/Sanskrit/Telugu/Urdu): 100 marks
    • Group Subjects (3 subjects chosen from various options): 300 marks (100 marks each)
  • Total Marks (Science): 475 marks
    • English (First Language): 100 marks
    • Second Language (Hindi/Sanskrit/Telugu/Urdu): 100 marks
    • Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry: 275 marks (90 marks each)

2. Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE):

  • Total Marks (Arts & Commerce): 500 marks
    • English (First Language): 100 marks
    • Second Language (Hindi/Sanskrit/Telugu/Urdu): 100 marks
    • Optional Subjects (3 subjects chosen from various options): 300 marks (100 marks each)
  • Total Marks (Science): 470 marks
    • English (First Language): 100 marks
    • Second Language (Hindi/Sanskrit/Telugu/Urdu): 100 marks
    • Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry: 270 marks (90 marks each)

3. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE):

  • Total Marks (Varies based on chosen subjects and electives): Up to 500 marks or more
    • Individual subject marks typically range from 70 to 100.
    • Additional subjects and electives can contribute to the overall total.

Instant Lookup on Data of 1st year total marks

BoardTotal Marks (Arts & Commerce)Total Marks (Science)
CBSEUp to 500+ (varies)Up to 500+ (varies)
  • It’s essential to consult the official board website or syllabus document for the specific mark allocation applicable to your chosen board, subjects, and stream (Arts, Science, Commerce).
  • The information presented here serves as a general overview and might not encompass all variations across different boards and streams.
  • Some boards might also incorporate internal assessments contributing to the final marks.


  • What happens if I score below the total marks?

Scoring below the total marks might not necessarily lead to failing the entire first year, as individual subject passing requirements (minimum marks) also play a role. Consult your board’s specific regulations for details.

  • Do all boards follow the same mark allocation?

No, as seen in the table, different boards have varying total marks and subject-wise breakdowns. Refer to your specific board’s guidelines for accurate information.

  • Where can I find more information about the intermediate first year exams?

The official websites of the respective boards (APBIE, TSBIE, CBSE) typically offer comprehensive information about the first year intermediate examinations, including syllabi, mark allocation, exam schedules, and results.

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