Exam marks percentage calculator

Marks to Percentage Calculator

Marks to Percentage Calculator

Multiple Subjects

Add Subjects Your Marks Total Marks
Powerful calculation to check your exam marks in percents.

Exam marks percentage calculator Methods

  • Method 1 (Simple Division):
    • Divide obtained marks by total possible marks.
    • Multiply the result by 100.
    • Formula: Percentage = (Obtained Marks / Total Possible Marks) * 100
  • Method 2 (Decimal Conversion):
    • Convert both obtained marks and total possible marks to decimals (e.g., 58/100 = 0.58).
    • Divide the decimal values obtained marks by total possible marks.
    • Multiply the result by 100.
    • Formula: Percentage = (Obtained Marks as Decimal / Total Possible Marks as Decimal) * 100
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